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3As - Foundation Module Bundle
Special Note at the time of Lockdown 29 March 2020
Introduction to Hotelier Excellence (1:09)
Who We Are (0:52)
Story of Hotelier Excellence (3:37)
The 3A philosophy and how it applies to Hoteliers (6:17)
Human Dynamics and Our Attitude
Human Dynamics in the Hotel environment (4:24)
What shapes our Attitude (11:18)
What is your attitude? (0:59)
Physiology of Communication - Awareness
The Communication Theory (7:20)
How would you rather feel
Your Non Verbal Mind (0:59)
Bridging the Human Dynamic Gap - Approach
Human Connection (6:46)
Non Verbal Connection (9:08)
**NEW CONTENT ADDED** : Verbal Connection (7:54)
Verbal Connection - movie clip (2:13)
Exercise : How do YOU build connections? (0:59)
360 Degree perspective
Walt Disney's Approach to Success (4:10)
How does it work? (7:44)
How you can apply this at your Hotel (12:11)
Self Learning Exercise
**NEW CONTENT ADDED** : Verbal Connection
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